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Compatibility between parents and child as it a new dimension to the happiness and harmony of a family.
Choose Plan
PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.
Features of General Plan
- If the Existing Name of your child is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per Basic System of Numerology
- 5 New Names will be given
- Basic System of Numerology applied for new name selection using Date of Birth of your child
Features of General Plan
Numerology & Graphology
- If the Existing Name of your child is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per General System of Numerology
- 10 New Names will be given
- Your child’s signature will be altered as per Graphology
- You can know who will be your child’s helping Friends and best Business Partner
- Basic System of Numerology applied for new name selection using Date of Birth of your child
Features of Premium Plan
Numerology, Nameology, Pronology, Graphology & Astrology (advanced, fine tuned & micro analysis system of Numerology)
- If the Existing Name of your child is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per Advanced System of Numerology
- 15 New Lucky Names will be given
- Your child’s signature will be altered as per Graphology
- All the New Names will be analyzed based on Advanced, Fine tuned & Micro Analysis System of Numerology with Pronology, Nameology system of analysis and Astrological Calculations (Planetary Combination, Conjunction & Aspects –Moon Sign plant Vibration – Ascendant plant Vibration – Planetary Strength Impact – Planetary Weakness Impact ) using Date of Birth and Birth Time of your child
- Following Lucky and Unlucky details will be given : Lucky number, Lucky date, Lucky days, Lucky colour, Lucky gem stone, Unlucky number, Unlucky date, Unlucky day, Unlucky colour, Unlucky compound number. You can know who will be your child’s helping Friends and best Business Partner
Child Not in Favour
Compatibility between parents and child is a serious concern considering the rapid growth of nuclear families.
Mentioning ‘nuclear families’ it is very relevant to the significance of the compatibility between parents and child as it a new dimension to the happiness and harmony of a family.
With the help of the name compatibility principles you can determine the parent-child name compatibility level. You can choose letters and select the name for your child in such a way that he or she is blessed with the characteristic features as you want. If you have already selected the name of your child, you can do a parent-child name compatibility test to check the level of compatibility between parents and child.
The parent-child name compatibility makes an analysis of the alphabets in the names of the child and the parents. It is on the basis of this analysis that the parent-child compatibility level or the parent child name compatibility level is calculated. If you can do the parent child name compatibility test before selecting the final name for your child, you can choose the most fitting name for your child, so that the compatibility level between you and your child would be amiable.
I can change your unfavourable child into favourable child by name alteration as per numerology
For Consultancy ( “Sengs Systems” of Numerology ) :
Your Child’s Details :
- Full Name with Initial
- Original Date of Birth
- Birth Place / Country
- Birth Time
Related Services

Remedy for Suicide Tempting
Most of the suicide persons are having negative name number, negative name makes negative thinking. Negative thoughts make suicide attempts.

Remedy for Alcoholic Tempting
No meaning of advice, No meaning of counseling, No meaning of prayer, No meaning of treatment. Only solution is changing the drunkard’s name into positive vibration by “Sengs Systems”.

Mental Worries
Constant worrying takes a heavy toll. It keeps you up at night and makes you tense and edgy during the day. You hate feeling like a nervous wreck. So why is it so difficult to stop worrying?

Numerology & Peace of Mind
If you want to maintain inner peace you can train yourself to bear it, it is not a solution to your problems and worries.

Personal / Nick Name Testing
Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences.

Lucky Gem Stone Selection
Gem therapy is a powerful and remedial measure. In some instances wearing the Wrong Gem can cause serious physical and/or mental disorders. It is best if Gem Stones are bought only in consultaion with me.