My Numerology

Numerology Pandit

Since 1985

Marriage Date Alteration


The divorce rate and the number of separations are extremely high due to wrong marriage date.

Choose Plan

PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.

Features of Basic Plan

  1. Lucky Marriage Date will be given
  2. Basic System of Numerology applied for date selection, using Date of Birth of Husband & Wife
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy? A You can get Marriage Date (English Date)

Features of General Plan

  1. Lucky Marriage Date will be given
  2. Lucky Marriage Day will be given
  3. Basic System of Numerology applied for date selection, using Date of Birth of Husband & Wife
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy? A You can get Marriage Date (English Date) & Day

Features of Premium Plan

  1. Lucky Marriage Date will be given
  2. Lucky Marriage Day will be given
  3. Basic System of Numerology& Astrology applied for date selection, using Date of Birth of Husband & Wife
  4. Lucky Colour for Marriage Dress, Lucky Gemstone, Unlucky Colour Details will be given
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy? A You can get item number 1,2 & 4 of above contents

Marriage Date Alteration

Marriage is one of the most sacred and oldest institutions known to man. In order to make a marriage last both partners need to be understanding and considerate of one another. Of course joy, harmony and love are also key components for a successful union. However, the determining the date for your wedding is just as important. Many are aware that the divorce rate and the number of separations in India are extremely high.

According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, people who had their partner in harmony with their birth number had a loving marriage. If the vibrations were bad, the marriage was bad. So I suggest to marry a partner with harmonious numbers.

You have a chance to get out from the struggle by altering the wedding date, based on the Husband and Wife date of birth. The New Wedding Date will be arrived by the “Sengs Systems” of Numerological calculations. Also, with the Astrological background.

In this New date the Husband and Wife will do the New Marriage Procedures according to their religion sentiments.

After that slowly, slowly the Marriage life will be changed into Fragrance due to positive results.

Question: What will be the Result if wedding date is not good as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology?


For Consultancy ( “Sengs Systems” of Numerology ) :



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