My Numerology

Numerology Pandit

Since 1985

Inferiority Complex


An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to standards.

Choose Plan

PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.

Features of General Plan

  1. If the Existing Name is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per Basic System of Numerology
  2. 5 New Names will be given
  3. Basic System of Numerology applied for new name selection using Date of Birth
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A Existing name with alteration(if it is eligible for the alteration) and You can get 5 New Names

Features of General Plan

Numerology & Graphology
  1. If the Existing Name is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per General System of Numerology
  2. 10 New Names will be given
  3. Signature will be altered as per Graphology
  4. You can know who will be your helping Friends and best Business Partner
  5. General System of Numerology applied for new name selection using Date of Birth
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A Existing name with alteration(if it is eligible for the alteration) and You can get 10 New Names with Signature Alteration

Features of Premium Plan

Numerology, Nameology, Pronology, Graphology & Astrology (advanced, fine tuned & micro analysis system of Numerology)
  1. If the Existing Name is eligible for the alteration, It will be altered as per Advanced System of Numerology
  2. 15 Lucky Names will be given
  3. Signature will be altered as per Graphology
  4. All the New Names will be analyzed based on Advanced, Fine tuned & Micro Analysis System of Numerology with Pronology, Nameology system of analysis and Astrological Calculations (Planetary Combination, Conjunction & Aspects –Moon Sign plant Vibration – Ascendant plant Vibration – Planetary Strength Impact – Planetary Weakness Impact ) using Date of Birth and Birth Time
  5. Following Lucky and Unlucky details will be given : Lucky number, Lucky date, Lucky days, Lucky colour, Lucky gem stone, Unlucky number, Unlucky date, Unlucky day, Unlucky colour, Unlucky compound number. You can know who will be your helping Friends and best Business Partner
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A You can get item number 1,2,3 & 5 of above features

Inferiority Complex

It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to over compensate, resulting in inferiority complex. The term was coined to indicate a lack of covert self-esteem.

According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, Name plays an important role in the life of a person. You must know that a name is like a Mantra and it throws up certain vibrations depending on its numerical value. Depending on how a person is called by others, names develop vibrations corresponding to their numerical values since all values are the representatives of planets. The negative vibration with the name of the person will always tend and make them to feel inferior. The behavioral cannot be overcome with traditional ways. Personal name alteration is the only Solution to find the name significance to one’s birth date and make it compatible.


Name alteration/ change is only remedy for this psychological problem.

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