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Numerological Power of 911
On a beautiful, sunlit Tuesday morning of September 11, 2001, the moon was in the sign of Gemini, in the last quarter. In astrology, Gemini is referred to as the sign of the Twins, whose ruling element is Air. By the time the moon changed signs at 11:09 am, moving into Cancer, both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.
Numerically speaking, each number has its own distinct meaning and message. There are the single numbers from 1 to 9 that have their special meanings. Then, there are the double or “compound” numbers that has their special meaning all their own. A double or compound number simply means when there are more than one number, such as 11, which is composed of two ones.
In ancient numerology, the meaning of the compound number 11 has been symbolized as the clenched fist or the muzzled lion, signifying a person or thing that will be difficult to contend with. Furthermore, it gives a deeper warning of hidden dangers, trials and tribulation, as well as treachery from others. For instance, when a person calls 911 on the phone, is there not some form of danger or emergency on the other end of the line? It’s certainly not about being invited to a social event, that’s for sure.
The following illustrates the amazing events around the number “11” on that fateful day:
- Each Tower was 110 stories high, when taking away the “0” leaves 11
- The two Towers had 11 million square feet of office space
- The two Towers, when standing side-by-side, looked like the number 11
- At 10:28am, which adds to an 11, the North Tower collapsed
- The time between 8:46, when the first plane hit and last collapsed, at 10:28am, was a total of 182 minutes, which adds to an 11
- Three days later, President Bush visited Ground Zero; stood atop a fire truck, embracing a retired fire fighter, whose helmet hat was number 164, which adds to an 11
- That retired fire fighter’s name, Bob Beckwith, has 11 letter
- The plane that crashed in Pennsylvania on that fateful day occurred at 10:10 am; removing the “0”s, you have an 11
- This planed also crashed in the town of Shanksville, which has a total of 11 letters
- Also at 10:10 am, an 11 indicator, a portion of the Pentagon wall collapsed
- The name, “The Pentagon” has 11 letters
- It was first believed a total of 11 planes were hijacked that day
- The name, New York City has 11 letters
- The State of New York entered the Union on July 26, 1788, becoming the 11 state to do so
- It was believe, Afghanistan, which has 11 letters, was responsible for the attack
- When President Bush declared war on Afghanistan, October 7, 2001, it was an 11 universal day
- The commander-in-chief, George W. Bush has 11 letters in his name
- The new President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, has 11 letters in his name
- On the one-year anniversary of the attack, the New York City lottery pick three drawing on September 11, 2002, was believe it or not. . .911, which adds to an 11
- On the second-year anniversary of the event, an official report about the attack was released containing 911 pages, which adds to an 11
There. . . .you have 29 examples of the number 11. . .what do you think!!!