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- 5. Lucky Mobile, Car, Bank Locker
- 6. Dating, Love, Marriage & Sex
- 7. Gems & Energized Yanthras
- 8. Name Testing
- 9. Common Problems & Solutions
- 10. Numerology for Houses
- 11. Lucky Number, Colour & Direction
- 12. Negative Thoughts & Remedy
- 13. Love Problems & Solutions
- 15. Pet Animal Numerology
- 16. All My Fees Details

Small car or Luxury car it met with an accident. WHY SO ? Good matching of your car number can make your car run smoothly and free from any mis-happening.
Choose Plan
PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.
Features of General Plan
- Based on Date of Birth Only
- Car Registration Number will be selected based on Car Owner / User’s Date of Birth
Features of Premium Plan
- Based on Date of Birth, Birth Time & Horoscope
- Car Registration Number will be selected based on Car Owner / User’s Date of Birth, Birth Time & Horoscope
- Car Engine Number, Chassis Number compatibility will be given
- Lucky Date, Lucky Day (for Car delivery) will be given
- Lucky colour of the Car will be given
Car Number and Numerology
Each and every one of us dream of buying a car. In today’s busy life it is one of the most important necessity for traveling. Whether it is a small car or luxury car, sometimes happen you buy a new car and it met with an accident, why so? Good matching of your car number can make your car run smoothly and free from any miss happening also.
According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, the color of the car also matters. As, each color in numerology is also associated with numbers.
For Consultancy ( “Sengs Systems” of Numerology )
I need your following details :
- Name with Initial of the Vehicle Owner (or) Partner
- Date of Birth of the above Person
- Place mention the company name, and Managing Director’s Name (or) Chairman’s Name
- Date of Birth of the above person
- Present Serial No. running at RTO office
(For Indian)
Example: TN 39 AX 3333 TO 3999
(Tamil Nadu state, India)
Related Services

Lucky Door / House Number
Your house should be numbered as per “Sengs System” of numerology vibration to avoid negative results. If the house is having lucky number will give all kind of positive energy to the whole family.

Lucky House Name Selection
House is a world, where you are living. Lucky Name vibration will bring good results in your life, beside of VASTU DEFECTS in the building.

Business / Brand Name Testing
Success and reputation are also built around the lucky name. A corporate business generally has a registered name, a slightly shortened printed name, and a very short name as it is known to the public.

Personal / Nick Name Testing
Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences.

Lucky Bank A/c Number
Lucky Bank Account number act as an indirect business partner and it boost your economy status. And it always makes the persons to more financial transactions and to make fixed deposits, investments.

Lucky Mobile Number
Mobile is an important device, which you are using it for your life and communications. So, mobile number should be lucky as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology Vibrations. If the mobile is having Lucky vibrations then you will get good results in your life.