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Avoid unlucky numbers in your life to avoid the PROBLEMS. Lucky Number will help you in all day to day situations very effortlessly and effectively.
Choose Plan
PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.
Features of General Plan
- Your Date of Birth will be taken for calculation to find out your Lucky Number
- Lucky Number will be selected based on Basic System of Numerology
Features of Premium Plan
- Your Date of Birth & Horoscope will be taken for calculation to find out your Lucky Number
- Lucky Number will be selected based on Advanced System of Numerology
Lucky Number Selection
According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, you can find out your lucky and unlucky number based on your date of birth. This lucky number you can use it for Bank accounts, Bank Locker Number, Car Number, House Lock Number, Mobile Number, Door number, etc.
Unlucky number – you have to avoid these unlucky numbers in your life to avoid the problems.
“Sengs Systems” of Numerology and Numbers :
“Sengs Systems” of Numerology works on the principal of numbers and their association with planers. All numbers are good, but it may give different results for every individual based upon his or her date of birth. When a situation doesn’t work for an individual everyone says you are unlucky and when the situation works everyone says you are the lucky one.
Each individual is also associated with number which is derived from his or her date of birth. When this individual number gets harmony with the situation it works lucky. It may be your own personal lucky number, House number, Car number, Mobile number, Account number, Locker number etc. All these numbers should match with your psychic number to give harmonious results.
Personal Lucky Number :
As per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, personal lucky numbers are calculated with the help of your date of birth and your full name. Personal lucky numbers have a specific role in your life. After knowing your personal lucky number, you will be aware of the positive or negative vibrations in the life.
Suppose you want to make a new friend, or to know whether your existing friend will help you, or maybe you want to buy something new, or travel on a particular day etc. Personal lucky number can help you in all your day to day situations very effortlessly and effectively.
For Consultancy ( “Sengs Systems” of Numerology )
- Your original Date of Birth
- Your Birth Time
- Your Birth Place / Country
- Your Present Full Name
- Calling Name
Related Services

Lucky Mobile Number
Mobile is an important device, which you are using it for your life and communications. So, mobile number should be lucky as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology Vibrations. If the mobile is having Lucky vibrations then you will get good results in your life.

Lucky Bank Locker Number
Lucky Locker number is a very important number for your safe storage. This number act as a wealthy maker. You can have more Gold and Diamonds. According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, Lucky Locker number is a very important number for your safe storage.

Vehicle Registration Number
Vehicle Registration Number has very much important role in Safety and Lucky. If the Vehicle Registration Number is in negative vibration, you will get accidents, injury and death. (Moped, Bike, Scooter, Car, Van, Bus, Lorry and all types Light and Heavy motor vehicles)

Personal / Nick Name Testing
Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences.

Lucky House Name Selection
House is a world, where you are living. Lucky Name vibration will bring good results in your life, beside of VASTU DEFECTS in the building.

Lucky Door / House Number
Your house should be numbered as per “Sengs System” of numerology vibration to avoid negative results. If the house is having lucky number will give all kind of positive energy to the whole family.