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You cannot change your hand writing. But, if you change your signature then your life will change. Graphology is more usually known as signature analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of and signature.
Choose Plan
PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.
Features of General Plan
- Your Signature will be Tested as Per Graphology
- Your Date of Birth & Present Signature will be taken for testing your Existing Signature
- Basic System of Graphology will be applied
Features of Premium Plan
Astro Numerology
- Your Signature will be Tested as Per Graphology
- Your Date of Birth, Present Signature and Horoscope will be taken for testing your Existing Signature
- Advanced System of Graphology will be applied
Signature Testing
Signature testing by Graphology Method
Graphology is more usually known as signature analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of and signature. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As signature comes from the unconscious, it contains a great deal of information, which can be useful for interpreting ones character. Any time we write, we are under the influence of emotions that dictate our mood at the time of writing. The brain transmits its instruction via the motor nervous system for the hand to carry out. This expression is a mixture of conscious thought and unconscious automatic responses learnt as part of the stimulation. The way we think is the way we write. We cannot change our handwriting because we cannot change our thinking. But, if we change our signature then our thinking change.
What is Graphotherapy?
If anyone has negative traits such as short temperedness, procrastination or laziness, it can be removed by change of signature. This change of signature is called graphotherapy. An astrologer or any kind of soothsayer would look into a person’s palm or horoscope and explain why the person has a particular negative quality and might suggest some puja and talk about planets. But a graphologist would change the signature of the person, so that the negative trait can be removed. Each individual’s signature is unique to them and so can reveal a lot about their nature and behavioral characteristics, such as aggression and manner.
You can test your signature by graphology along with astro numerology methods,to find out weather the name is lucky or unlucky
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Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. Only persons According to Numerology, a lucky name is very essential for successful life. Coming to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, numbers represent planets with their powers and influences.

Business Loss & Name Alteration
If the existing Business or Firm Name is in not as per “Sengs Systems” of Numerology Vibrations, you can alter or change the Name immediately to avoid heavy losses. If all these names are lucky the business will be very successful.

New Lucky Business Names
Success and reputation are built around the lucky business names. If the name is unlucky, business will be running with heavy losses. According to “Sengs Systems” of Numerology, a lucky business name is a must for business success!

Personal Name Alteration
Only persons with suitable and lucky names are very successful and shine in life. Name number is very important because it modifies both your nature and destiny. If you want lucky and successful life, your name should be a lucky name as per numerology. Because Name number is very important it modifies both your nature and destiny.