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Signatures reveal positivity and negativity. A progressive signature is a must to remove all negativity from heart and mind to bring SUCCESS.
Choose Plan
PLEASE NOTE : We are offering multiple type fees plans. Before choosing your plan please read carefully about Features of each Plan shown in this page.
Features of General Plan
Numerology & Graphology
- Your Signature will be Altered as Per Graphology
- Your Date of Birth & Present Signature will be taken for making alteration in your Existing Signature
- Basic System of Graphology will be applied
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A You can get Signature AlterationFeatures of Premium Plan
- Your Signature will be Altered as Per Graphology
- Your Date of Birth, Present Signature and Horoscope will be taken for making alteration in your Existing Signature
- Advanced System of Graphology will be applied
Q What exactly I can get from you for this consultancy?
A You can get Signature Alteration by advanced systemGraphology & Signature
What is Graphology?
Graphology is more usually known as handwriting analysis. Considered both as an art and science, it is the study of handwriting. The aim is of revealing the character and personality of the writer, including his or her strengths, weaknesses and abilities. As handwriting comes from the unconscious, it contains a great deal of information, which can be useful for interpreting ones character. Any time we write, we are under the influence of emotions that dictate our mood at the time of writing. The brain transmits its instruction via the motor nervous system for the hand to carry out. This expression is a mixture of conscious thought and unconscious automatic responses learnt as part of the stimulation. The way we think is the way we write. We cannot change our handwriting because we cannot change our thinking. But, if we change our handwriting then our thinking change.
What is Graphotherapy?
If anyone has negative traits such as short temperedness, procrastination or laziness, it can be removed by change of handwriting. This change of handwriting is called graphotherapy. An astrologer or any kind of soothsayer would look into a person’s palm or horoscope and explain why the person has a particular negative quality and might suggest some puja and talk about planets. But a graphologist would change the handwriting of the person, so that the negative trait can be removed. Each individual’s handwriting is unique to them and so can reveal a lot about their nature and behavioral characteristics, such as aggression and manner.
History of Graphology!
Three thousand years ago Nero stated that he had no trust for an individual whose handwriting he thought showed him to be treacherous. Aristotle once wrote, “Spoken words are the symbols of mental experience, and written words are the symbols of spoken words. Just as men have not the same speech sound so all men have not the same writing”
As early as the 2nd century, the Roman historian Suetonius Tranquillus stated that the handwriting of Augustus Caesar was not separated sufficiently and that he was therefore mean. Ancient Chinese philosophers also used the technique to make deductions about certain calligraphers characters. The Egyptian kings would appoint employees after analyzing their handwriting.
In Italy, the first known article appeared around the 17th century under the title ‘Ideographia’, which was followed in 1622 by a book explaining how to tell a person’s nature by his or her handwriting by Camillo Baldo an Italian doctor of medicine and philosophy (and professor at the University of Bologna) in Capri. This was followed by work in France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, England and America.
Abby Michon of Paris first used the word “graphology”. The word is taken from the Greek word “graph” meaning “writing” and “ology” meaning Study. Jean Michon, a Frenchman, coined it in the 1870s. His many years of research on handwriting analysis were first published in 1872.
The subject has captured the attention of writers such as Balzac, Lavater, Goethe, Edgar Allen Poe, Elizabeth Barratt Browning, and Charles Dickens. Others who also used handwriting analysis with accuracy were George Sand, Robert Browning, Chekhov, and Albert Einstein.
Do you know that in Europe, Canada and United States of America before assigning any job in government and corporate companies graphologists analyze handwritings and only then jobs are assigned to employees.
Think Big!
Are you aware that 81% people in the world don’t think highly about themselves? This is the reason they do not achieve high positions in life. Your success depends on your approach towards life. If you think big, big things happen. Once your name is numerologically correct and a progressive signature, big things will happen only if you have a high self esteem and approach towards high goals.
Facts about graphology:
- There are more than 20,000 graphologists in the United States. Most of them study through correspondence.
- A study by the American Psychological Association’s annual convention revealed that graphology –conducted with the aid of computer technology – could be a reliable tool for determining traits such as honesty, emotional stability, substance abuse risk and judgment.
- In America, an estimated 5,000 corporations use handwriting analysis in a variety of ways, including employment procedures and team building. Can you imagine an introvert in sales, a creative person production and a cheat handling accounts?
- Businesses in European countries commonly use handwriting analysis in their employment practices. In France and Switzerland, approximately 80 percent of the large corporations use graphology in their hiring procedures.
- According to psychologist David Lester, Ph.D., “… a majority of the studies support the validity of graphology and the accuracy of graphologists. Furthermore, as long as there are a fair number of studies that demonstrate the success of graphological judgments about people, and there does appear to be a fair number, we must accept that graphological judgments can be valid “(The Psychological Basis of Handwriting Analysis, The Relationship of Handwriting to Personality and Psychotherapy, David Lester, Ph.D., Nelson Hall, Chicago, 1981, page 53).
- In a 16-year study conducted by psychologist Herb Greenburg, President of Marketing Research and Survey Corporation, the question was asked: “What is the most important factor in job success?” After reviewing 350,000 employees at more than 7,000 companies, the study determined that: “Personality is the single most important factor in job success – not education, not experience, not age, gender, race.”
Graphology & Signatures:
A man or woman’s signature changes five to six times in their life span. The first signature comes at the age of 14, the second between 21-27, the third between 27-42, the fourth between 42-55, the fifth 55 onwards which continues till he or she lives and before dying they cannot sign their signature. If you notice in a dying person’s handwriting, there would be cracks. These cracks show that he or she is losing their senses. Signatures reveal depression, progress, negativity and emotional disturbances. A progressive signature is a must to remove all negativity from heart and mind.
If you have any questions, please click here
For Consultancy:
I need your following details:
- Your Present full name with initial
- Your original Date of birth
- Your Birth time
- Your Birth Place / Country
- Your Present signature (scan copy)
- Minimum 20 lines of your hand writing (scan copy)
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Signature Testing
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